If there's one thing that the onset of winter brings to the huddling and freezing population of Britain, it's the use of caps, beanies, Stetsons, helmets and other such vehicles of distributing hat hair.
Hats were originally invented as a way of showing what class of family you were from, but what would happen if midway through the day lord McDougal of Scotland decided to offload the thing. Your left with a Duke looking like a go-faster stripe has been added right round his head therefore ruining his reputation.
I think hair is weak, it gives in to pressure and forms the shape of a hat no problem, retreats, then I’m pretty sure it's impossible to pursued the damn stuff to rid itself of the line of defence until you give it a nice relaxing wash and dry. A monumental pain in the arse, I’m sure you’ll all agree - Hair is a bit like the French, on the outside it looks alright, then at the least little bit of pressure from a rival army (hats united) it retreats into a big bundle of mess with no structure.
I suppose hats have served a purpose-on days where your lazy you can just mask the fact your a complete greasy mess, they gave the Beatles something to cut theirs round ( a good thing? ill let you lot decide), They gave the Germans something to aim at and they also make Frank Spencer the man he is today.
There’s nothing worse than taking your hat off to someone then realising your left with a completely straight barnet that completely curls up at the ends (at the risk of sounding like a complete women-like I fucking care !!! that for you Stetson, and that aaahhh and that).
As you can see Raging Horse is on a mission to expose everything that people have thought about, but thought to stupid to mention in the quality publications such as the Star. Well I’m sure this rant and rave has caused Nike and Reebok a headache like their hats do for us.
Here’s for hoping eh hahahahahhahahahahahahaha
Signing off
Raging Horse
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