Adverts on TV you already pay for:
I pay for BBC, and there are no constant adverts for personal loans. I pay for sky/cable, and there are adverts for 3.5 minutes in every 20. I find myself getting up every advert to go fix myself a snack just so I don’t have to watch another advert with Carol Doberman trying to sell me something... No wonder Americans are so fat.
Gift cards:
This one has been bothering me for years. Who the hell gives gift cards? The first time I received one I asked the fairly reasonable question, why? Why buy them? Is there some kind of discount when you convert your money into a voucher? No, seems not. You give your money to shops before you even buy anything. Money that doesn’t gain interest and that you can only spend in one shop!!! When you give your money to banks they invest it, they give people loans etc, and for the pleasure of keeping your money they pay you interest.
The worst thing about it is that when you spend the vouchers, some don’t give you whatever money is left on your card or voucher, and many people will lose the vouchers before they can spend them. I know I have some vouchers for WH Smith kicking about somewhere. We're all getting simultaneously raped with a speedboat (piloted by the director) in every orifice by these companies and everyone seems to be fine with it. Fuck them. Give money, not vouchers. If granny gives you a voucher, kick her down the stairs.
Vending Machines:
When I put money in a machine I expect it to give me what I ordered, and my change. Why must I put up with the machine keeping my change when it has none? Or giving me nothing at all!! And who do I go to when it eats my money? Is it the front desk, or the pub landlord? No, you have to send a letter off to the vending machine company to request your money back, which will probably never come. There is already a mark-up on the price to make us pay for the convenience.
Gaaaaaaagggghhhh! Who to kill first?!
Also, why the hell can I not seem to make money out of the currency exchange? It seems so simple... Invest in a currency that belongs to an unstable country such as Bulgaria When it's at its lowest, and then convert it back into pounds when it's worth more.
Why the hell am I not a millionaire yet??!!
Iron Fist
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