I've been waiting for this shit for years. I hate having to breathe other people’s second hand smoke. And to be fair, my friends try to keep it to a minimum around me cause they ain’t arseholes. I hated the way my clothes would smell when I came back from the pub or a club... I hated when you hung out with a smoker, you would always stink of smoke...
It makes so much sense to have a smoking ban, it will encourage people to quit, which is only good for peoples health, though probably not the economy...
So now I’m back in Scotland, why am I not happy? Who would have expected it to all blow up in my face?
Instead of having clubs stink of smoke, I now realise that the smoke was covering up the smell of something far worse... Sweat. The smoke covered up all the smells of sweaty people dancing and dripping everywhere, and it ain’t pretty. Think of that guy who sits next to you on the bus, who stinks so badly, your eyes start to water a little... well now they are dancing all around you!