Basically a place where one man and his dog are no longer welcome, replace a pie for a Poisson and replace a bar stool for a comfy chair.
For those of you that have noticed the gradual culling of our beloved drinking hovels and the way in which those rich basterdo's are taking over like a swarm of alien beings armed with pound signs in their eyes, this article should get the blood boiling and the beer flowing.
It's heading towards the state in which you can not find a proper British pint of beer for neither love nor money. The war cry from supporters of these dreaded places namely "Il have a pint of Foster’s" is currently keeping "Raging Horse" and "Iron Fist" awake at night and I’m guessing a lot of fellow drinkers out there. I mean you can't beat a lovely pint of Australian Lager brewed in a back street factory of the Uk. We sent prisoners over there; they send an even worse punishment back!! Those Aussies have definitely got their heads screwed on lol.
Now a future B-Team mission which I intend to discuss with my partner in crime "Iron Fist" - To Stop the Brewers Fair Bear from crushing Red Lions, Black Dogs and Nags Heads everywhere. I’m currently recruiting vigilantes armed with tranquiliser darts as we speak!!!
In a good old fashioned local they all know your, name, your drink, and previous convictions; I’m outraged that all the above now comes as part of a receipt and a table number.
So it seems that were now left with an attack of the clones, that is 50,000 wheatsheafs, weatherspoons and of course brewer’s bears all with the same design and layout and all with the same outlook on life - bring back the black dog, and save the Red lion.
Also these new drinking pads aimed at yuppies and business persons alike, where the words "same again" are about as useful as a "one legged man doing the Hokey Cokey" and a regular barmaid is as likely as the Alfayed family being invited to the next royal wedding, need to be treated as a new plague that affects every respectable pisshead alike.
I’m gonna say that the fight has yet to be lost. I think it's about time that I go and book Mr Weatherspoons flight to a triangle in Bumuda and start writing a new CV for the Brewers Bears inevitable transfer to Macdonald’s so I better go people.
Raging Horse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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