Friday, 6 September 2013

Mission: To Help Australia During a National Crisis

 Mission Status: Completed
 Mission Detailed:-

 This week, the B-Team having left two more illegitimate wives behind on a desert Island, are discovered barely conscious, washed up on the shore of Australia, clutching only their lawnmowers. After 3 days in the hospital being fed lager intravenously the B-team spring to life in a style not seen since the early Popeye cartoons.

Now awake, and alert the B-Team decide to immerse themselves in the lives of a typical Australian, which is indulge in petty theft, have a barbecue on the beach and then a tour of the world famous Fosters brewery which had single headedly ensured their survival the previous week! The largest brewery in all Australia.

 Soon into the tour, however, Raging Horse decides this tour is moving too slowly, and there is not enough free samples for his liking, so accompanied by Iron fist, The B-Team decide to use years of stealth training to enter the mixing rooms in search of more free beer.

 After stumbling through the door marked 'private' while being chased by angry Aussies with funny quiff haircuts, the B-Team discover that the factory contains nothing more than is normally in their own fridge (which officially made it the second largest brewery in Australia-outrageous!). On the desk was an official document with an order for 100-000 litres of extremely cheap and incredibly shite beer from Edinburgh. Also detailed was how fosters had a vice grip on the Australian government and as such were effectively using them to smuggle the beer in secretly. The supply lines were recently cut due to a local beer festival in Scotland, so they face crisis point with only enough to supply one more barbecue. With the threat of having to reveal to the world that they don’t brew the beer, the B-Team was called into action. Due to their inebriated state and the lager drips they were on in hospital Raging Horse and Iron Fist duly accepted

 The B-Team, while drinking most of the reserves, came up with a plan to smuggle cans of Fosters into Australia, hidden inside extra thick sexual pleasure devices based on a mould  taken from affluent male porn star Ron Jeremy. The "Rubber Goliath - Australia Edition" would be manufactured by popular Jewish business man 'Sher Lindler' and using cheap Polish labour the cans would be packed and shipped into Australia secretly.

 For this excellent work, the B-Team are currently known to be under the protection of the Australian Government, and are being Paid handsomely for their troubles - about 100 litres handsomely to be precise!!

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