Which has nothing to do with why B-Team Boffins have sent Iron Fist and Raging Horse down to the Education Wing of the newly built B-Team mansion to teach raw recruits in the art of stealth, firearms and more surprisingly, the art of seduction. All useful tools a B-Team member would need when deployed in the field.
Lesson 1: The Art of Seduction: An appropriate test would be to take the recruits in two groups led individually by Iron Fist and Raging Horse out on the town to teach them the appropriate methods.
This test ended in partial success. Raging Horse managed to take his group into a bar full of girls called 'The Other Side' which seemed to make sense as the bar was full of girls. Unknown to Raging Horse was that it happened to be a bar for lesbians, and all he succeeded in doing was watching one of the other customers stopping one of his male recruits from ever having children...
Iron Fist had less success when two of his recruits decided to get together and then leave the B-Team programme... FAIL
Lesson 2: Stealth: An appropriate test would be for a recruit to steal something from the B-Team mansion when it was guarded by top B-Team Members and tutors Iron Fist and Raging Horse...
The fresh recruits passed this test with flying colours as Iron Fist thought only to guard the fridge by eating the entire contents which resulted in the inability to move for almost 5 hours. Raging horse had similar success when he decided to guard the wine cellar using similar methods...
Lesson 3: Firearms: An appropriate test would to be to shoot all the targets that pop up avoiding the civilian cut-outs when they pop up...
This test didn't go too well as Raging Horse was too hung over to attend this lesson due to a 30 bottle hangover, while Iron Fist, fresh from lesson 2, succeeded in vomiting over most of the targets and dropping his gun. Due to the stench of vomit most of the recruits couldn't fire straight as they were holding their noses.
The B-Team graduate programme has since been shut down, in favour of creating a charity to help Ex B-Team recruit buy new testicles.
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