
Inappropriate Sexy Cartoons

I'm not sure why their sexy, they just are dammit.... Click on a picture below to bring it up.

Chris "The Fixer" Jenkins' Initiation - 23/06/2008

Dispose of Your Waste Part 4: 29/05/2008

Dispose of Your Waste Part 3: 13/05/2008

Dispose of Your Waste Part 2: 29/04/2008

Mark Speight and Iron Fist - 16/04/2008

Cow eating Snails - 14/04/2008

Dispose of Your Waste Part 1: 06/12/2007

Riding the Baloney Pony - 04/10/2007

Bashing the Bishop - 04/09/2007

Spanking the Monkey - 04/07/2007